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Topics - Mimi

Pages: [1]
Introductions / Hi from Sunny California!
« on: May 01, 2016, 02:27:19 PM »
Hi All!!

My name is Mimi and I am so happy to join the Flourish Forum! I picked up my first pointed pen almost a year ago (June 2015) after studying for the California Bar Exam. After studying for such a rigorous exam, I decided to do something I've always wanted to do, but never had the time or opportunity to do, and calligraphy was on the top of my list. I picked up calligraphy to learn something new that was not law-related, and I absolutely fell in love.

After the first few weeks of frustration with using the wrong paper, inks, and nibs, I bought the proper supplies necessary for learning calligraphy, and everything picked up from there. Calligraphy has grown to be a form of relaxation and meditation for me. I am able to zone out and put pen to paper, especially being in a career where technology is highly utilized, it was nice to get words on paper and to not look at a screen.

Looking forward to meeting you all & thanks, Erica, for putting together such a great space for new artists to connect.

<3 Mimi

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