Sharing and Caring Exchanges > 2021 Exchanges

2021 Exchange List


Erica McPhee:
Here is the list of exchanges for 2021. I think there are some real fun ones!

1. Love One Another – An annual favorite Valentine inspired exchange.
2. Beacon of Light – Lighthouses, sunsets, whatever brings bright light to a weary world.
3. Time for Tea – Calligraph a tea bag or design a tea tag. It’s time to share a cuppa.
4. Iridescence – Glowing, shifting colors like those of a rainbow, opal, butterfly wing, or mother-of-pearl.
5. Tattoo You – Design that calligraphy tattoo you secretly want to get.
6. Pop UP – Calligraph a card and make something - a flower, a heart, a word - pop up!
7. Halloween | Day of the Dead – Don't be scared - it's more treat than trick.
8. Holiday | New Year – The ever-popular end of the year exchange in honor of all things holiday and happy.

Have you opened the holiday exchange list?  I would like to sign up.  Thank you.

Erica McPhee:
Hi @janerob325 ! Thank you for the reminder! The sign ups are now open!  ;D


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