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Topics - lynetteburlison

Pages: [1]
Favorite Resources / Calligraphy mail art page on Facebook
« on: April 18, 2016, 06:51:53 AM »
I stumbled unto this little gem on facebook  today. Dedicated to calligraphy mail art.

Introductions / Hello from New Zealand
« on: February 04, 2015, 02:54:53 AM »
Thank you for accepting me to the forum.
My name is Lynette, and I live in the beautiful Bay of plenty, New Zealand.

I took up calligraphy about 17 years ago, while I was living in South Africa, in an effort to remedy my poor handwriting. I fell head over heals in love with the art form.

I look forward to sharing ideas with fellow calligraphers.

Kind regards

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