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Messages - silverswirlstudios

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I use a raw potato with ALL of my nibs. My first pointed pen teacher was Bill Kemp, who is a student of Master Penman Bill Lilly and they both swear by them. Master Penman John DeCollibus uses one also.

Give it a try! Use a Nikko G or Zebra G if you're worried about a delicate nib to get the hang of it.

PS - a small red-skinned potato with few eyes works best and lasts longer, I have found.

Show & Tell / Re: Show us your best
« on: April 11, 2017, 10:59:28 AM »

Very nice indeed.
Was Collibus in NM or did you go to the Boston area for the workshop? I'm a big fan of Collibus. Have you seen the video of him doing a flourish with both hands at once?

@AnasaziWrites I traveled to Boston just to take a class with him. He is one of my pen heroes for sure!
I love all of his videos. Did you know his son-in-law does all of the filming? John is a great teacher and quite funny, too.  :D

Show & Tell / Re: Show us your best
« on: April 10, 2017, 08:52:41 PM »
Hmm - I don't know if these are necessarily my "best" pieces, but I certainly look at them with fondness. I framed the white ink piece (this was done after I took a most wonderful weekend workshop with Master Penman John DeCollibus) and it sits on my desk where I can see it every day.

The other piece is just descriptive of other lettering styles I like to do. Always a work in progress, and I will be a lifelong student!

What impresses me is the thoroughness of your responses, Suzi! I commend your efforts and also with Ink Academy much success. Thank you for all that you and your team are doing to keep the art of calligraphy alive!

Great tips!

Ooh, I love it, Schin! And The super cozy fireplace  :D

We are getting a Container Store in just a couple of months (FINALLY) and I can't wait. I love organizing, also!! I'm going to check out some of your links, one can never have too many containers, organizers, baskets, and bins. ;D

I am in the process of moving my studio in my home upstairs to a now empty spare bedroom. The space already feels much more functional! The previous owners of this home actually used that space as the wife's crafting room, so the closet is fitted with shelves.

As I was cleaning and bringing things upstairs, I "rediscovered" so many tools and products I had. So now I am reorganizing what I keep close at hand and what can go into bins in the closet.

What are some of the things you use often? I started with a list and then I am going to organize from there. I have a drafting table and now a long table to my right to house my most-used supplies, keeping my table mostly clear. Here is what I came up with on most-used supplies:

• Nibs - Nib Plate
• Oblique and Straight Holders, Pen Rests
• Water Dropper (in glass container)
• Distilled Water
• Paper Towels
• Water Jars
• Inks - Primarily Black Sumi, DR. Ph Martin's Bleedproof White, and Wlanut Inks
• Bullet Journal
• Notepad
• Pencils
• Colored Pencils
• Different Types of Erasers
• Rulers and T-Square
• Magnetic Board for holding exemplars
• Geometric Templates, Triangles, French Curves
• Pens _ all types, such as Microns, Fineliners, etc.
• Scissors
• Dinky Dips
• Tracing Paper
• Graph Paper
• Watercolor Paper
• Dot Pads
• Laser Paper
• Light Pad
• Watercolor and Goauche in tubes
• Envelopes in different colors and sizes
• ink Stirrers and Toothpicks
• Apron
• Daylight Lamp (I really need to purchase a magnifying lamp next)
• Bridge for painting
• Laptop, iPad and iPhone

These are the things I use most often, but I have an enormous amount of other supplies. I keep my gilding materials separate from my main workstation as well as any embellishments like jewels and glue.

I will share photos of my workspace when it's completed. Would love to hear what other people use for storage ideas and making your space functional!


WooHoo!!! Congrats Elaina!

This was so much fun, Erica! AWESOME ways to get the creative juices flowing!

I just went out and purchased a brand new Moleskine journal and Micron Pens for my project. I am so excited!!

I was inspired by Erica's Pinterest board and started one also. In the process, I found this blog:

I'm laying out some pages now. Thanks again for the FABULOUS and FUNCTIONAL idea!!!! ;D

I absolutely love, love, LOVE (did I say LOVE?) this idea!!!

First of all, I am a collector of all things notebook related. Second, I am a certified list maker and organizer. Third, this system actually looks like it will WORK!

So, here's my story:
I got married and moved into a new house two years ago. Last year my husband had back surgery and I stayed home for 6 weeks to take care of him. During that time I organized and unpacked every closet and room in the house EXCEPT my home studio.

My studio is a mess. I can't even remember the last time I could see my drafting table under all of the stuff.

I have wanted to get a new chair, but an engraver, set up a filing system - and all of it seems to fall by the wayside. I especially think of these wonderful calligraphy related gifts I can make for events/auctions and also friends and family, but time comes and goes and I never get to it.

This is not only the perfect challenge, I think it is the perfect opportunity (that also appeals to my OCD nature) to accomplish some (or all) of my calligraphy goals!

GOLD STAR for this idea!!!

Oooh, This reminds me of a creative lettering class I used to teach, and all of the lettering was based off printed Romans. So fun! I'm going to have to go home and dig out some of my class handouts and letter something!

I'm thinking Erica McPhee should have a calligraphy camp!

Open Flourish | General Discussion / Re: Shout out to Schin
« on: June 20, 2016, 04:14:34 PM »
Congratulations, Schin!

Open Flourish | General Discussion / Re: Iampeth 2016
« on: March 12, 2016, 12:35:18 PM »
I'm registered! Hopefully I can find decent airfare, the tickets I've seen so far are expensive!

Open Flourish | General Discussion / Perfect Gift for Calligraphers
« on: November 02, 2015, 05:40:09 PM »
Kathy Milici just launched a new product and it is a GORGEOUS necklace for calligraphers and lettering artists! Visit the link below:

It's just in time for holiday shopping!  ;D

Completed/Past Exchanges / Way behind on Exchanges!
« on: July 29, 2015, 08:22:11 PM »
To anyone in the Offhand Flourishing, Cultural Exchange and IAMPETH envelope exchange - I Am SO SORRY! I am just this week working on my envelopes!! My husband had a pretty major surgery and I have been caring for him and the rest of the household by myself. I had some big illusion that  I would be in full make-up, hair and flowing gown sitting at my desk creating amazing calligraphic creations while the sounds of beautiful music emanated from my iPod, while he slept 20 hours a day, roused only by some delicious meal I had prepared or to take his medications.

Alas, I did not even begin to realize what it takes to become a full-time caregiver - who also had the highly ambitious goal of cooking every meal, cleaning every closet (and the garage! ::)) and just generally accomplishing every goal I had written down and vowed I would do "if I ever had the time". :o :o

OK, enough of the sob story...I am working on these this week, I promise! And I also have not opened one single envelope that I have received (which has been torture!!), so I would have incentive to finish up and not be kicked off the exchange club. Here is a pic of some of my envelopes that are begging to be opened.  :-[

Thank you in advance for forgiving me my grievous errors!  :D

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