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Messages - Moya

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 90
Hi Saulyleeplans!  Yes there is, but only in the Brisbane area. Calligraphers of South East Queensland :)

I also teach traditional copperplate classes in Brisbane every so often - my parents live there, so I visit a few times a year and sometimes hold workshops while I'm up there. 


Completed/Past Exchanges / Re: Precious Pet Exchange 2017!
« on: July 15, 2017, 11:20:35 AM »
I'm in!  I've taken a break from exchanges while life got busy ... but I adopted a kitten in June and oh my GOD he's SO CUTE, I absolutely have to share!

Tools & Supplies / Re: Zebra G with Cage
« on: July 15, 2017, 11:16:38 AM »
Hi yourself! xxx On the strength of your recommendation, I've added one to my shopping list ;) I know who's the business around here!

Tools & Supplies / Re: Zebra G with Cage
« on: July 15, 2017, 01:53:52 AM »
How does it go for longevity?  I always look at those and wonder if the spring would rust!

I probably wouldn't order in any case because I've worked really hard to make the dip part of my flow ... but I'm still tempted ;)

Open Flourish | General Discussion / Re: A cautionary tale on posture
« on: June 22, 2017, 11:22:56 AM »
Oh no Tegan!

I've actually been going through the same thing this last two weeks!  I was teaching a class and leaned over the table and felt something 'go' ... it seemed okay, there, but by lunchtime I could barely walk to my car to find the painkillers, and by the time I got home, I fell straight into bed and I could barely move for a week!  I'm hobbling about now but I'm feeling very sorry for myself - I'm glad I"m not the only one.

I've seen a lot of the physio (and a massage therapist, and a GP, and a chiro) in the last week and they all agree that a lot of the problem is poor posture.  I've been ordered to spend more time at the swimming pool and more time paying attention to my posture.  Funny, I pay so much attention to my hands, wrists and fingers, but somehow I've just been damaging my back in the meantime...

ugh.  Anyway, sending all of you good wishes for health and strong backs!  <3

I just (two days ago!) took a class on advanced manipulated Italic with Denis and I immediately signed up for access to his Italic Rhythm online class - he's a fantastic teacher!

Introductions / Re: New to forum, not to calligraphy
« on: May 16, 2017, 09:49:51 PM »
Hello, my friend!  I'm u/mmgc ;)  Welcome to Flourish!  Any excuse to see more of your works.


I did this for my sister's wedding!  I used chalk malkers - just the kind you can get at the newsagents, I think the brand is Uni.  They will hold up to a light rain but can be washed off easily with warm water and paper towel. 

I believe that the longer you leave it in the sun, the harder they will be to remove in the end - but still possible.  My brother-in-law actually left it for several weeks on his vintage Mercedes and didn't have any problem with removal (trust me, I'd have heard about any scratches, haha!) 

My only tip is that if the car has a long back it's actually hard to get up there and write consistently - I wasn't very impressed with my work, but everyone else was.  So my tip is to smile cheerfully and not talk about your disappointment because everyone else will be thrilled!

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Test
« on: May 06, 2017, 07:22:24 AM »
Don't keep us in suspense.  Did you pass?

Open Flourish | General Discussion / Re: Standing Writing Desk
« on: May 06, 2017, 05:27:58 AM »
It's gorgeous!  I have just the place for one of those ... in my study ... all for me ... :D

Flourish Forum News / Re: Flourish HOME page update!
« on: May 06, 2017, 05:25:51 AM »
Oh, I love it, I love it so much!  So effortlessly* graceful and organised.  The FAQ will be a gift to people. 

*hah - as if anything that looks THAT good came without effort!  but you make it LOOK like it did. ♥

I've supported it.  So it may not be the idealised perfect flawless school - well, what is?  As a community I think we tend to be sceptical and distrustful of anything new, or any threat to our 'traditional' ways ... But the world is changing.  Those of us who learn well alone and without help are very welcome to keep doing so - nobody is forcing us to open our pockets or sign up for Skype lessons.  But I'd love to see this school get off the ground and flourish (ha ha) and I'm happy to throw some of my hard-won cash at it.    So ... that's my $0.02!

Contemporary and Modern Calligraphy / Re: Chicago Skyline Script
« on: April 07, 2017, 01:11:26 AM »
Oh gosh, no.  It was a five-minute joke.  I bet you could do a good one though - have a go!

Everyday Handwriting | Penmanship / Re: Write Cursive With Schin
« on: March 13, 2017, 04:06:01 AM »
Hot damn.  I love that woman.

Tools & Supplies / Re: Emergency Calligraphy Kit: Recommendations?
« on: February 28, 2017, 06:16:52 AM »
I would be tempted to go for a Pigma micron marker, and a ruler, pencil and good eraser.  Someone without calligraphy training will probably do better writing it out in pencil first anyway, and then with the micron pen they can faux-calligraph to their heart's content without having to worry about any of the little details we like to obsess over.

Also agree on a couple of exemplars - and maybe a quick and dirty guide to envelope layout.

(Tell them they'd do better off paying you an hourly rate to come in on the morning of the event!  I've actually done this a few times - I do the bulk of the calligraphy in the comfort of my home, but then spend two or three hours waiting onsite, pen and ink at the ready, for any last-minute guest changes.  It's kind of fascinating watching these events set up.  The last one I went to was a luxurious dinner set up in an underground carpark, red carpets and all  ... the people putting these things together work like machines, they're amazing.)

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