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Messages - Kate M.

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Very cool! Thank you both so much. I'll experiment.  ;D

General How To's & Projects / Ratio for Making My Own Gum Arabic Solution?
« on: February 27, 2015, 08:46:40 PM »
Hi All!

We have a ton of powdered gum arabic because we also use it for making (sweetened) gomme syrup for cocktails. Can anyone tell me the best ratio of powdered GA to distilled water, so I can bottle up my own? I've tried very hard to find the answer in the forums, but all I found was reference to using "liquid or powder" which is kind of baffling. Any/all help is appreciated!

Introductions / Re: Hiya from Georgia!
« on: February 10, 2015, 12:15:47 PM »

Are you on Instagram? There's a stack of sharing there and it's wonderful!

I am! I'm 'hellaantebellum' on Instagram, but I haven't thought to post calligraphy photos there. Please recommend some good calligraphy Instagrammers, if you wouldn't mind. I get overwhelmed with the sheer volume of posts on Instagram fairly often, so it would be great to find some new options.

I'm also on Tumblr and occasionally post my calligraphy there. (Oof, it's been a long time since I've been on a forum. I guess I forgot how to imbed a URL. Sorry!)

Introductions / Re: Hiya from Georgia!
« on: February 10, 2015, 12:08:03 PM »

Once you start dreaming about calligraphy, you know you're in deeeeeep. Can't wait to see where this journey takes you!

The best dream I've had yet was that I inherited a beautiful secretary/writing desk that magically procured anything calligraphy-related that I added to my Amazon wish list. hahaha! Too much online shopping, I know. In the dream, I had to caution my friend not to open some opalescent ink because I was worried that I'd get charged for it.

Introductions / Hiya from Georgia!
« on: February 09, 2015, 05:19:29 PM »
Hey there!

I'm Kate, writing from (and in) lovely Savannah, Georgia—where it is currently 70F in early February (brag brag brag). I'm originally from the backwoods of Northern California, so my preferred collective noun has always been "you guys," but now that I'm in the South, I'm learning to love the charm of "y'all." Before Savannah, I lived in New York City for five years. It's been quite an experience. I'm having quite a life.

My love of writing (both the act of writing letters and the notion of producing words for an audience) started early. My mother confirms that the happiest she ever saw me as a young child was when I was given a fine ballpoint pen (ONLY with black ink) and a new notebook (or a stack of blank paper). I experimented with calligraphy in high school (vaguely gothy with a chisel pen, or standard cursive with a fountain pen), and then again (this time with Chinese brush painting) in college. Then I forgot about calligraphy as a practice for twenty years or so while I went about working in editorial. All my hard copies went soft copy, if you know what I mean. I wrote, edited, copy edited, and proofread my own and other people's words for most of the last two decades, and very happily so. Now, at almost-40, I've rediscovered the feeling of excitement when I pick up a pen and lay down some ink. I'm not quitting my day job, so to speak, but I'm so happy to explore a new/old way of writing.

I took Melissa Esplin's "I Still Love Calligraphy" course in December of this last year and it woke something up in me. Now I dream about nibs and ink, and I drool over oblique holders and beautiful flourishes. I'm focusing on Copperplate at the moment, but I'm always on the look out for new(-to-me) styles and techniques, and classes of the same.

I look so forward to being a part of this community. Thank you guys/y'all for sharing your expertise!

All the best,

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