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Messages - Meredith S

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Coffee & Nib-bles / Re: If calligraphy never existed...
« on: February 19, 2015, 01:19:16 PM »
Probably reading... I think I've only read like 2 or 3 books since starting calligraphy last year!

That's mine, too. I sorta miss reading as much as I used to. But when given the chance to either do some calligraphy or pick up a book, calligraphy seems to be winning those battles pretty much every time. Sorry books. I'll come back to you when the arthritis sets in.

Coffee & Nib-bles / Re: unfollowing people on instagram
« on: February 15, 2015, 11:45:05 AM »
I do the same thing as Natascha. I go through phases where I'm into a certain style or type of art and I follow a bunch of people whose style inspires me. But then some times I realize I'm missing some of the posts I really want to see because I have way too much to scroll through and I can't get to it all, so I unfollow some. It's not personal (I'm following you, btw!), and I don't pay attention to who follows me and unfollows me. I'm certain lots of people have unfollowed me because I proudly hold the title of world's worst instagram feed  8). But if they're not interested, I'm not interested in having them as a follower.

Flourishing / Re: Valentine Flourish
« on: February 14, 2015, 10:11:51 PM »
This is so amazing! Thanks for sharing.

Ohmahgah, Moya! Yeah, I was thinking nib or something calligraphy related, too. I want to crawl into bed after thinking on that for too long. Except I'd have to shake out my comforter first.

On a practical note, boric acid is a powder available in american grocery stores that is supposed to help with spiders. I use it for ants and eep. roaches., but I think it's supposed to work with spiders, too. Maybe you could find your sister some of that!

Open Flourish | General Discussion / Re: Seb Lester
« on: February 13, 2015, 12:41:47 PM »
I've been following him on Tumblr for years. It's been really wonderful to watch him go from posting beautifully calligraphed swear words to the rockstar calligrapher he is today. Instagram featured his account as "one to watch" sometime last Fall and it just exploded from there.

His Tumblr is here:

If you go into the archives, you'll see some of the fun/raunchy stuff he used to post. Now he doesn't do much of it anymore because he has so many fans.

Ha! Loled at the raunchy one.

Also, I love how humble he is about being respectful to his new wave of followers.

Introductions / Re: Hello from Dallas, Texas!
« on: February 13, 2015, 12:36:10 PM »
Hey Katie! Welcome to the forum.

Janis is right, there are several of us in the Dallas area. There have been a couple of mentions of a Dallas forum get together, but someone more organized and less mommy-brained than myself will have to do the organizing, ha! Janis, if we do have one, we'll make sure to invite you, just in case you can make the trip.

I'm a member of the Dallas calligraphy guild. If you want any info about it, let me know!

Have fun on the forum!

Coffee & Nib-bles / Re: What's the worst movie/film you've ever seen?
« on: February 08, 2015, 04:32:19 PM »
There are some "so so so so bad it's funny" movies like The Room and Troll 2. Watching those a la Mystery Science Theatre 3000 is always fun!

MST3K! Love!


Mosquito Coast. Oh my goodness. There are no words. My time was beyond wasted by watching that movie. It was stolen from me in a most violent and horrendous manner.

Open Flourish | General Discussion / Re: Tattoo lettering
« on: February 05, 2015, 11:58:30 AM »
I just want to say again that this is SO COOL! How amazing to have your own lettering on your own child! Forever! I have no words! I'm so so excited for you and how special that must be for you two. What an awesome thing for you and your son to share. Just-just-*HUGS*

Tools & Supplies / Re: Pearl Ex Powdered Pigments
« on: January 30, 2015, 07:42:54 PM »
Thank you, Joi!  Do we have a list of colors that don't mix well?

I haven't tried all of them, but from what I've tried, it seems the metallic ones don't clump up nearly as much as the non metallic, flat colors.

Show & Tell / Re: DIY Escort Card Display on Style Me Pretty!
« on: January 30, 2015, 02:15:33 PM »
Gorgeous, Linda!!

Tools & Supplies / Re: Wax Seal Suppliers
« on: January 29, 2015, 10:56:30 AM »
One tip-  if you are sealing a lot of letters, the Winter exchange for example, rest the seal on an ice pack to cool it before making the next seal.  When the seal get hot, it sticks to the wax.

I put olive oil on mine every now and then.

Open Flourish | General Discussion / Re: Every once in awhile...
« on: January 27, 2015, 05:22:50 PM »
Haha! Aw, Sarah! That's so funny and sweet and genius, all rolled in to one awesome gift.

*gasp* Oh no!! I LOVE the arrows. I didn't even realize they were trendy.. I thought they were always around, they've just been getting cuter lately, haha. Shows ya how out of popular culture I am.

 I feel like Dr. Evil trying to give Seth Green a hug - "I'm with it. I'm hip." *awkwardly does the mockarena* dokadokadokadoka

You might like this ancient satirical post by me, Ken. I didn't like the idea of inking over lightly printed fonts on envelopes, which at the time was being promoted by wedding blogs and lifestyle hacks.
It is tongue in cheek.

Lol, Scarlet! So funny! I especially love your responses to the comments by people who took your post seriously.

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