@Erica McPhee - Thank you for your enthusiastic response to my "Saddle/Yoke"! It took me five tries before I came up with the right design!
(a lesson for us all, eh,
@Matthew H. )
@Lucie Y - Welcome to my world of massive letters with massive errors, although I see only massive skill with yours! I can't wait to see your Fraktur though, as it's bound to be really beautiful too.
@AnasaziWrites - such an adventurous life you live! And what a clever twist on "Plump"!
@Zivio - Dear Friend, I'm delighted to connect with you as a fellow traveller in bike commuting! Alas though, you are more intrepid than I. Once the ice comes down on us, I put my bike away - the year before last I had a horrible wipe-out on black ice in traffic, right around this time of year.
I had meetings all day today, and a mountain of paperwork and grading after dinner, so a quick sketch today:
"Plump" commemorates this year's Fat Bear Week at Katmai National Park - Grazer (with her distinctive blonde ears) won by a large margin. Congratulations to her, and to all the chonky bois at Brooks Camp.
* The blue ink is "Arctic Blast" from Diamine's 2022 Inkvent collection. I just got a note that the 2023 collection is in the mail!