Completed/Past Exchanges / Re: Dear Diary Advanced Exchange 2016--Results
« on: April 27, 2016, 10:38:07 AM »
Hey everyone! If you were on my list I apologize! We have had a major life event occurring and that has taken priority. Your letters will be sent very shortly. They are finally complete and are sitting on my writing desk, ready to go. I am so incredibly sorry to have fallen behind like this.
I have received your letters and they are beautiful!!! It's always so exciting to get such beautiful mail. Thank you so much.
Please forgive me for my lack of speed and focus. It's been a wild couple of months and things are finally starting to slow down and go back to normal.
I have received your letters and they are beautiful!!! It's always so exciting to get such beautiful mail. Thank you so much.
Please forgive me for my lack of speed and focus. It's been a wild couple of months and things are finally starting to slow down and go back to normal.