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Letters from Seven Years' War opened 250 years later. Epic story in writing and


Cyril Jayant:
Sadly this is about an  epic war story  of  lost  correspondences  that  never reached. recipients  :o

This is an interesting story  about writing and this has happened during 250 years back in time .
Overall story to this incident has revealed deeper philosophical knowledge about writing related to the era and it  shows how was their  writing  skills.   These correspondence about on a  Seven Years' War got lost to the recipients of French Soldiers on a ship and later opened 250 years later.
This article was published By BBC and it was about  Letters confiscated by Britain's Royal Navy before they reached French sailors during the Seven Years' War have been opened for the first time.
I am leaving the Link here . ---the link to the English publishing and  ( In this BBC article)  dose not analyse far more depth into the contents of the letters writing during this period.
But it is interesting  to go into the original FRENCH Article so see another perspective.  The original article in French shows how 250 years back their literacy in writing age the nature and skills, thinking they  put into papers by writing.

So the original article has an analysing  about the writing style related to the time and  the story of what happened at the same time  looking  into the minds that got involved in writing those materials . Quite fascinating story for me.

LINK TO THE FRENCH PUBLISHING HERE.  Here is the original article in French, which goes in details about the creative spelling/ grammar of most of the letter, which were often dictated and jotted down phonetically :
The article can be translated using browser translation: (If you speak French then you understand the difference. (So I suggest you can try to Use GOOGLe translation in the Original Article in French)

These two article get a story.,but  the original FRENCH article say the story and  more about the correspondents and their skills they had during the period of  writing happened. It connects to the history in writing.   
It is a fascinating historical slice in the evolution in writing, the level of the humanity has it's progression in writing to our Day to our time.

I am adding some part in the original article here which is in French.  In some where it says ( « La plupart des correspondants n’utilisent pas de ponctuation, ne capitalisent pas les mots, ne séparent pas les phrases et ne structurent pas le texte en paragraphes.)
MY TRANSLATION INTO THE ORIGINAL PART OF THE ARTICLE IS .... " most of the correspondence don't use pronunciation , don't Capitalise words, do not separate the phrase, do not structure the texts in paragraphs".
 So this a a way back into our writing skills in France . 
Some of the Original correspondence hand-written  >>>>

« Je vous prie denevouslesser ma manquer deriens pour conServer Vôtre Santé mon cheres mary qu’il mes cher quetous Les biens, du monde ». Dans ces missives souvent émouvantes se mêlent amour, soucis matériels, jalousie et simple inquiétude pour un proche parti depuis des mois en mer. Mais le moins que l’on puisse en dire sur la forme, c’est que le respect de l’orthographe et de la grammaire n’est pas perçu comme une condition essentielle de la conversation.

« Pas de l’illettrisme au sens strict »

« La plupart des correspondants n’utilisent pas de ponctuation, ne capitalisent pas les mots, ne séparent pas les phrases et ne structurent pas le texte en paragraphes. L’écriture est assez basique, souvent phonétique, l’orthographe erratique et le vocabulaire limité » explique ainsi le chercheur au HuffPost. La grammaire et la ponctuation sont rares, qu’il s’agisse de l’accord au pluriel ou des virgules. On est là, parfois, dans la phonétique.

Mon tres cher epou je suis for surprise et enpainne desavoir dou vien votre yndiferances de neglige de me donne de vos cher nouvelle que jaspire plus que toutte chause du monde je nê pances pas mon cher maitre attire votre disgraces ama bandonne jusque a ce poin la cepandan que lon ma dite que vous ettie bien encolerre contre moy.
Bien sûr, il faut d’abord prendre en compte la période historique. À l’époque où ces lettres sont écrites, l’analphabétisme dans la population française est en baisse continue chez les femmes comme les hommes, mais elle vient tout juste de descendre sous les 50 % chez les Français en général. Pour beaucoup, en particulier dans les campagnes, écrire soi-même est donc impossible.
Hope this will get you back into our time machine in 250 Years back ... 8)  :P amazing story  about our Himanity and writing.

How sad that they never reached the intended recipients. What a remarkable find. Thank you for sharing this.

Erica McPhee:
Absolutely fascinating! Thank you for sharing!


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