Tutorials > Copperplate Tutorial by SMK

General Feedback - Copperplate

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Salman Khattak:
Hi all,

This topic is for the people who have completed the Copperplate lessons posted in this forum. Please post your questions here if you have completed all 4 groups in the Copperplate Minuscules.

We can discuss things like further refinements and alternate letter forms as well as compare notes on composition and other aspects of Copperplate Calligraphy.

- Salman

@Salman Khattak


This is a great idea. Have very recently completed the 4 groups, and with the 's' still suspect.
Struggling with the 'es' and 'ss' join. They just seem out.

Please guide


Salman Khattak:

Not sure why the 's' stumps you - you will note that the 'c' part starts well below the waist line which makes for an unbalanced letter. I can see the same tendency in the 'r' where the blob is too big and the shaded stroke is too short ('forget' on the last line).

For any composition, I recommend writing it out on rough paper to work out the spacing and layout. Then work on the problem areas like 'e-s' and 's-s' joins for you. This can be done as a separate exercise for 15 - 20 minutes. You will be amazed at what can be achieved with only a few minutes of concentrated work.

The 'e-s' join is nothing other than an 's' with the shaded stroke of the 'e' added to the beginning of it. So after you draw the shaded stroke of the 'e', lift your pen at the base line, forget about completing the 'e' and just draw an 's' starting with the entry hairline.

I hope this helps.




Was busy with work and hence no practice for a while. I think that my writing is regressing  :-\
And you really need to post majiscule tutorials. PLEASE.

Wrote this today. Please suggest what to do....



Salman Khattak:

It does take a bit of practice to get back into the swing of things. If you use the 4 groups for practice, you will see things click back into place quickly. Consistency of stroke and slant is paramount and that requires a good feel for your paper, nib, ink and holder combination.

I have been meaning to put up a majuscules lesson or three for a long time but it takes a bit of doing and I am in the middle of revamping some of the minuscules lessons for a manual. I will get there eventually.

- Salman


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