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Topics - angelinamkelly

Pages: [1]
Tools & Supplies / prepping envelopes to prevent feathering
« on: September 09, 2015, 03:39:36 PM »
I am sure there is probably an answer on this forum somewhere for this... but... I am having some issues with my ink bleeding and feathering on some envelopes.  I'm doing a couple things for a friend and she chose the ink and envelopes that she wanted.  Is there something I can use to prep these envelopes (on the cheaper side) so the ink won't feather?  It is a windsor newton drawing ink and I am not sure where she got the envelopes but they seem pretty close to kraft paper.

Thanks in advance!

Kind Critique / children's book quote
« on: July 27, 2015, 11:16:34 AM »
This is something i am working on for a housewarming gift... thoughts.. this is the first draft to try and figure out spacing and what not...

Introductions / HELLO FROM OHIO
« on: June 22, 2015, 02:07:55 PM »
Hello all.  I am new here... but I have been poking around quite a bit  :o
I have a degree in Fine Arts but am re learning calligraphy.  I took a couple of classes way back in high school and have become re-inspired and a little obsessed lately with it.  I found this forum looking through some watercolor artists on IG who were also incorporating calligraphy into their work. <<love>>
I look forward to learning a lot from all of you!!

any other ohio artists on here?

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