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Topics - Hans Andersen

Pages: [1]
5. Example.


4. Example.


3. example.


This is another example of the above topic.


I just found this little notebook instruction/update, concerning shipbuilding, I beleive to be British naval construction office note, circa: start of the 1800's, I am not aware of the exact date of origin. It was hidden in the Danish national archives (Rigsarkivet).
I hope it can inspire/Help or just being admired, because I can just stare at such handwriting for hours!
More will come.(e.i.: size of file!)

Design & Layout / Doyal Young, inspirations?
« on: January 24, 2017, 07:22:54 AM »
Hi there,
I've been away from writing for a while, but now; I'm getting in the groove again. First though, I'd like to share with you a little presentation I stumpled upon at LinkedIn, while trying to be inspired, to do..something.
Anyway here it is. I don't know if all of you can get access to LinkedIn or I'm crossing some boundery of interest, ethically(?) or other unspoken codes, but: I find mr. Young truly inspiring!

Correct me if I'm wrong doing, in anyway. It was in good faith.

Kind Critique / Sunday Evening excercise. Comment's are welcome.
« on: October 03, 2016, 04:10:42 AM »
Hi! My name is Hans and I'm a newbie. Here's an excercise I made sunday evening, comments are very welcome.

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