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Messages - Briana

Pages: 1 ... 13 14 [15]
Open Flourish | General Discussion / Re: Your Instagrams
« on: January 23, 2014, 11:32:03 PM »
No plans to change it any time soon, especially now that I've shared it with all you fine folks :)

Open Flourish | General Discussion / Re: Your Instagrams
« on: January 22, 2014, 03:35:55 PM »
I'm @texasroyalty. When I first made an account I never imagined how much I'd like it, so that name is a little embarrassing, haha.

UPDATE: It's now @PicklesNVodka :) The other is my personal account.

It wasn't until she trained for a few years, and *embodied* that training, that she began to paint her characters in a more abstract way

Have you ever seen Picasso's earlier works? I was able to visit his museum in Barcelona, and I highly suggest everyone visit it if they're in the city! The exhibits take you through his life's work starting from his classical training. You can watch his style masterfully evolve from practically perfect realism to a more and more distorted and abstract style. When you look at it all in succession, cubism makes perfect sense. It's impossible to think anyone would dream of beginning as a cubist painter, because Picasso evolved there through years of hard work and study.

Speaking as a total beginner, I feel the same about modern calligraphy. While I'm playing with finding and "perfecting" a style of lettering that's comfortable and beautiful to me, I want to spend just as much time learning, practicing, and "mastering" the traditional styles. I started working through Eleanor Winter's book a few nights ago, and my form has already improved!

Show & Tell / Re: Calligraphy Cat Club
« on: January 15, 2014, 12:38:28 AM »
I got Noodles the month after I started my first calligraphy class, so the two definitely go together! She has to be in the middle of everything, because clearly nothing else is important (not that I mind-- she's the best).

Open Flourish | General Discussion / Re: 2014 Goals and Resolutions!
« on: January 09, 2014, 09:39:04 AM »
Goals are my favorite! I check in on them halfway through the year and am always amazed at the progress I've made without realizing it. Here are some of this year's:
  • Sell something on my currently empty Etsy shop/get some paid projects
  • Learn and practice yoga
  • Practice Spanish again
  • Pay off my student loan (I'm on schedule for a zero balance by December!)
  • Set up a retirement account
  • Keep in touch with the most important people in my life regularly

After making these goals for the New Year, I've already had an inquiry about a custom calligraphy print (thanks to Instagram). Not a bad start 9 days into the year :)

Open Flourish | General Discussion / Re: GOUACHE
« on: January 09, 2014, 09:29:38 AM »
Great tips, Mary! When I took a class, our instructor gave similar advice. 1" of gouache plus how much water and how much gum arabic? I could never remember, and all my testing never seemed quite right.

Thanks for the advice!

Pointed Pen Tutorials / Re: Contemporary/Modern Calligraphy How To Tutorial
« on: December 31, 2013, 06:16:26 PM »
This is THE BEST guide for contemporary calligraphy! Since I took my first class last year and someone mentioned the "contemporary" style, I've been Googling and searching through books for something that explained just what it is and how to go about accomplishing it.

Thank you a million times, Erica! I think you've got a book in the works here :)

Word of the Day / Re: Saudade
« on: December 10, 2013, 01:30:28 PM »
I LOVE this word! In college I meet a guy from Portugal who taught me this word and how to say "Give me a kiss." Seems like he had an agenda, haha. Looking forward to writing this word out tonight!

Introductions / Re: Howdy, and cheers!
« on: December 09, 2013, 11:17:09 PM »
Hey Linda! I do have a Ravelry page!I'm texasroyalty on there too ;) Looking forward to getting to know you!

Introductions / Re: Howdy, and cheers!
« on: December 05, 2013, 12:27:35 PM »
That's pretty great that you both can write in fun ways, too! It was my little party trick for the longest time-- I'd like to think I've advanced. Sounds like I'm in good company here!

I look forward to seeing all of you on instagram. My name is texasroyalty there (cheesy...I know!).

Word of the Day / Re: Be kind
« on: December 05, 2013, 01:28:57 AM »
Emily, that's beautiful! I like using brush pens, especially on Post-It notes.

Linda, I love your mix of lettering!

Introductions / Re: Hello-Donna Jeanne Koepp of White Wolf Studio
« on: November 20, 2013, 04:20:11 PM »
Nice to meet you, Donna!

How do you like Friends of Calligraphy guild? I found it online before I moved to the Bay Area and am interested in it.

Introductions / Howdy, and cheers!
« on: November 20, 2013, 12:15:48 AM »
Howdy! I'm Briana, formerly of Texas but living in the North Bay Area of California as of a few weeks ago.

I've *always* enjoyed handwriting, probably because I've been complimented on mine since I was little. My parents would set up a chalk board at dinner parties and ask me to write different words with my left hand, then right hand, then backwards, the backwards and forwards simultaneously, etc. as entertainment.

In college I studied landscape architecture because of my love of plants, art, and math. I was pleasantly surprised that one of my first assignments was learning architectural lettering! Easy peasy.

Earlier this year I took continuing education calligraphy classes at SMU under the guidance of Susie-Melissa Cherry and fell in love with the art form. I made a Facebook page for a dream business I'm calling "Pickles 'N Vodka" several months ago, and I'm using it to give me inspiration to keep learning, crafting, and practicing calligraphy and whatever else I want. One day I'd like to do this full time, but for now it's an after-work fun activity.

I found The Flourish Forum on Instagram and am super excited to start learning from and meeting calligraphers. Thank you for setting this up, Erica!

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