Tools & Supplies / Re: Diamine Inkvent 2022
« on: December 23, 2022, 10:09:06 AM »My family also from Prussia, Friedeberg Nm, now in Poland.Similar to you, @Tasmith , I first saw it from a bible my wife's forebears brought with them from Prussia dated 1846.Spruce
Tried about 6 different papers with this ink, sealed and unsealed, and the TomoeRiver 68gm was the best. All the others bled, more or less. Please excuse the crudeness of this writing, as the ink was running off the nib like a gushing firehose. Don't have time just now to experiment with gum arabic, which should allow for better thins. Like the color and was surprised at the red sheen.
Edit to add a second image.
The key to using this ink with a pointed pen seems to be shaking it up vigorously just before writing,which seems to increase the viscosity enough to lessen the tendency to blurb out, particularly in making shades. Works pretty good monoline, if shaken, and pretty good with shaded script, as long as the shades aren't too large. I tried adding a bunch of gum arabic--18 drops per 3 ml--and it still blurbed if not shaken. Second image on untreated bristol smooth after shaking.
Kurrentschrift? First time I saw this was as a kid looking at a family bible from the 1850s brought over by my German ancestors. I remember thinking, "What language is this, I thought they were German?" I guess I expected Black Letter or Gothic.