As some of you know, I've been researching the history of steel pens and writing implements in general in the 19th-century.
One thing that confused me when I first started was the term "oblique" when referring to a nib. I came from the fountain pen world, where an "oblique nib" is a type of stub that is cut at an angle. I've always kind of wondered about the difference between fountain pen and dip pen usage of the same term.
I recently wrote a short article for the Pennant, the magazine of the Pen Collectors of America (the US equivalent of the WES in the UK) on this topic. It's more of an introduction for those, like me when I first started, who have only heard of it related to fountain pen nibs. It's coming out later this month and I received a low-res version.
I thought some here might find it interesting, though I'm sure little of it will be new to you. If nothing else, Christopher Yoke was kind enough to donate some images both from his collection of antique oblique holders, as well as some of his recent creations.
The magazine is quite well done, and worth the membership dues required to receive it. The PCA also has an impressive library of materials available for your perusal. disclosure, I've also been publishing my histories of early US steel pen makers in the Pennant. My latest, on Myer Phineas in NYC c. 1840's-50's, is also in this same issue.