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Messages - Meghan

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Introductions / Re: HELLO FROM CALIFORNIA :D
« on: August 26, 2014, 01:07:25 AM »
Welcome, fellow Californian!

I'm in NorCal with a few of these ladies... how about you?

You'll LOVE it here! These folks are pretty great  :)

Open Flourish | General Discussion / Re: San Francisco Pen Show - 2014
« on: August 26, 2014, 12:50:42 AM »
This was my first pen show also, and I was overwhelmed by the shopping selection.
Like I said I went crazy buying inks yesterday.  I think I bought 9 bottles of ink.  A vendor was selling Private Reserve ink for $5 per bottle, another Diamine for $10 a bottle, such deals.  Now I'm going to have fun writing my pen pal letters, with a dip pen of course.

There were 3 nibmeisters; Mike Matsuyama, John Montishaw and Greg Minuskin.  Mike and John were doing work on the spot.  Greg was selling pens and I think taking pens for repair in his shop.  They are such nice guys.

Oy, I SO wish I had bought ink... I took a quick look, got overwhelmed and walked away to look at a few other things. It was really good attendance, though I had no idea what to expect. My brother met with Mike Matsuyama but he had to leave his pen for them to take back to their shop. He didn't mind leaving it  :) I didn't realize it was under new management, I'll be excited to see what happens next year.

So sorry I missed those of you who were there! I was probably the only redhead, you probably would have found me easily...

Open Flourish | General Discussion / Re: San Francisco Pen Show - 2014
« on: August 23, 2014, 11:58:08 PM »
First day was great.
I'm worn out, and there are 2 more days to go.
I doubled the number of ink colors that I have, and may get more tomorrow.
There were a few dip pen nibs.

Gary!! I looked for you today but didn't find you. I was only there for a few hours, my brother wanted to meet with a nib master and we wandered around, not sure what we were looking for. It was fun though, I'll be better prepared both mentally and financially next year!

Coffee & Nib-bles / Re: Who's NOT at IAMPETH? Let's have coffee!
« on: August 06, 2014, 11:53:52 PM »
I'm way late in joining ladies! Avid tea drinker here... hot, cold, luke warm, I'll take it any way I can get it! Just black tea with sweetener though.

I'm drooling over Joi's photos. While I'd love to get to IAMPETH at some point, I know it won't be anytime soon. I'm grateful for those like Joi who post pictures though!

Moya - AWESOME news!!! Congrats!

it's wonderful...really really beautiful!!!
and i love it when people twist my arm, i mean, if I MUST send out an envelope in the name of practice...

So, um... I could, uh, talk you into sending something to me?  ;D

I can't wait to participate in an exchange but I'm only on lesson 2 lol.

I'm in awe, no joke! Those florals are amazing. I do agree that if the name/addresses could be a little larger to stand out, but it's so pretty as it is!

Are you kidding?! This is GORGEOUS! Very well done!

Coffee & Nib-bles / Re: Where in the World?
« on: July 27, 2014, 11:53:20 PM »
Oh, do! If you have time and energy after meeting all that family  ;D

Yeah... apparently my family came over, settled in PA and SD and we apparently still own a large piece of land that now houses several family ranches. They have a huge family reunion that I'd love to attend but I haven't had the chance to really reach out to them yet. It looks like a beautiful state though!

Sorry for hijacking the thread!  :-\

Coffee & Nib-bles / Re: Where in the World?
« on: July 27, 2014, 02:03:11 AM »
Amy! I have tons of family in and around Rapid City, SD  ;D I found them through my family history research (another nerdy hobby of mine) and have meant to reach out to visit. If I ever get the chance I'll definitely look you up!

So glad it's not just me, Ernie! I love sports, more than the average gal I think, but I can't keep up. When it comes to my art and hobbies though, I can show the hubby and he will just tell me he's glad I'm having so much fun, but he can't comment on the actual art because he's clueless. Gotta love him, but it's hard having no one to share these particular passions with. That's why I'm so glad to have found all of you!

Still, my husband kind of rocks  ;)

AmyNeub, I know literally what is on the website, and nothing else. I imagine if it were associated with this year's Legacies conference it would say so, but all it says is "The 34th International Calligraphy Conference."

Briana and Meghan, initial registration is only $100. You don't need to fork over everything right now. *poke poke poke*

Bahaha, such a pusher!! ;) Not that I'm complaining...

Though, I just bought some new supplies and don't think I can even swing $100 right now, let alone justify such a huge price when the time comes. I think I'll save up for the next one *sigh -- pout -- more sighing*.

Meghan--this is next year! 2015! You can still register!

Wow my reading skills are subpar this weekend!! Thank you!

Hmmm now I need to scrounge up some money...

Aw man! I wish I had started all of this sooner. I won't be able to make it this year but Sonoma is not far from me. I'm hoping it'll be close again next year  :(

I would LOVE to hear how it goes, if you're able to attend!

Thank you, Gary, for pointing me to this thread! I follow FPGeeks on IG and Twitter so I saw this a while back, I'm really hoping my brother and I will be able to go.

Maybe those of us who go can plan to meet up at least to say hi?

Introductions / Re: Hello from Northern California!
« on: July 24, 2014, 12:44:20 AM »
Thank you Gary! I might have to keep track of that group, I love meeting new people with an obsession with office supplies as bad as mine. I did actually find the pen show in Redwood City, my bro and I had hoped to attend (haven't firmed up the details just yet... I'm about 1-1.5 hours away which won't be a bad drive). Will you be there?

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