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Topics - Akawaii

Pages: [1]
Spencerian Script / Hand Sweat
« on: March 08, 2016, 09:11:43 PM »
Hello, I return! However, my return is not with a really serious question-hopefully. When I am practicing, I notice that when I let go of my holder, and open my hand, the hand is moist! I tried loosening my grip, however, this makes it hard to flex the nib. Is this a result of bad hand posture, or is this normal? Thank you!

Everyday Handwriting | Penmanship / Everyday Handwriting
« on: February 14, 2016, 06:28:04 PM »
I know I'm new here, however, the community is so welcoming. I thought maybe we could share samples of our everyday handwriting, because this section doesn't seem to have a discussion and samples of our own writing. Please feel welcome and don't be afraid to share!

Spencerian Script / Whole Arm Movement
« on: February 12, 2016, 07:57:24 PM »
Hello! Is it really true that you need to use your whole arm? I really do not know if I am using my arm properly (that's something I never thought I would say). Please help, any advice is appreciated!

Spencerian Script / Practicing?
« on: January 18, 2016, 08:16:41 PM »
Hi, I'm a newbie, and was wondering. At least, how long do I have to practice? And what should I practice? Thanks! :)

Introductions / Hello, Happy New Year from Jersey City, New Jersey
« on: January 01, 2016, 11:06:18 PM »
Hello! Happy New Year,

          After looking for a forum, I have found THE forum, the "Flourish Forum". I just started the journey of learning Spencerian and, much to my surprise, it is harder than it seemed. Nevertheless, I will not let that stop me from learning, and mastering it. I'm from Jersey City, New Jersey, which is just across the river from New York City.
          My interest in cursive began when I saw a fountain pen, and bought one, however, I became disappointed because my penmanship was still utterly disgusting. However, I aimed to improve it, and, it did. Soon, I became interested in Spencerian, something about it just spoke to me, how elegant it was. I looked at Copperplate, and was like, "nah" (people who like Copperplate please don't hate me!). But I guess this is getting long, so I hope to meet and listen to your advice to help me in this year 2016. Thank you! By the way, my real name is Alfonso, so feel free to call me that! 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Sincerely, Akawaii  :)

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