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Messages - JaniceB

Pages: 1 [2]
Tools & Supplies / Ink
« on: April 19, 2016, 11:40:11 AM »
I'm sure there is a thread for this somewhere but I didn't see any recents. I'm wanting graduate to colored inks and metallics. Can any one give advise on brands and places to purchase online?

List 6! My exchange was sent out Saturday April 9 so I hope it arrives safely!
Natalie, I received my incoming yesterday! I was so excited to open and I was not disappointed! Love it!

Ding Dang It....I have missed out on all exchanges this did this happen????  :)

And how come there isn't 12 hours a day to work/commute; 12 hours a day to sleep; and 12 hours a day to BE AN ARTIST????

Blessings to you....


Hello Rebecca! The next exchange is Flight of the Feathers and you can begin signing up April 19, 2016 through May 3.  I have it written on my calendar! If you haven't seen the list for 2016 from the main threads go to Sharing and Caring Exchanges. Then Exchanges - General info & Questions (Start Here) and then Flourish Forum Exchange 2016. Erica has an attachment that has all the exchanges listed. I printed out and wrote on my calendar so I'll be sure not to miss! I hope this helps!

Introductions / Re: Hi Everyone! From NC, USA
« on: March 24, 2016, 04:42:30 PM »
Hello Candace! I too am a newbee! I'm sure many understand the working full time and not having time to practice! I thought after my daughter graduated from high school I'd have time for all sorts of things! That was 5 years ago and I still can't find the time!

Janice from Arkansas

Introductions / Hello from South Arkansas!
« on: March 24, 2016, 04:25:32 PM »
My name is Janice Butler and I live in Camden Arkansas. It's easier just to say South Arkansas! I am a Christian, a wife to Scotty, a mother to my 22 yo daughter Rebecca and the mommy to sweet kitty named Ebby! Since I was a little girl I have loved to write with different kinds and colors of pens! I've recently taken up calligraphy and while searching for info on that found brush pens. I have to admit I love he brush pens more but haven't given up on dip pen calligraphy. I have also been sending cards in the mail more this year. And that led me to find envelope exchange which I can not get enough of! Because of my love of writing and stamps, snail mail just seems to fit me! I look forward to hearing from you and maybe we will even exchange an envelope or two!

Thanks Shiela! I enjoy the information I can find on here!

And thanks Elizabeth for seconding the tip!

Thanks Elaina! I will check that out!

I'm new to this forum so would like to tell everyone hello from South Arkansas! I'm also new to the exchanges and am looking forward to participating! Any tips on where you purchase your stamps. Of course I know your local post office but what about your older stamps that are a specific numerical value and older forever stamps? I've found places on Etsy and of course eBay but find the price can be well over the face value. I appreciate your thoughts!

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