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Messages - cejohnson

Pages: 1 ... 7 8 [9]
Introductions / Re: Hello from Connecticut
« on: April 22, 2017, 02:37:39 PM »
Judy -

Hello from the Pacific Northwest and welcome.

I, too, am starting my calligraphy journey and have been so inspired by the talent available on this forum. Do visit the tutorial section. Erica (Pointed Pen Nirvana) and Salman (Copperplate tutorial) have both created very detailed works and freely share their expertise.

All my best,

Zentangles / Zentangle - Completed lesson one
« on: April 09, 2017, 11:36:10 AM »

Thanks for starting the Zentangle topic Erica. I saved up and got the Zentangle Primer and just completed lesson one. This one is not on a tile. I have started a 'tangle' notebook to keep my practice work in for future reference (kind of like my practice sheets from working Erica's Pointed Pen lessons).

This one has the Crescent Moon, Printemps, Hollibaugh and Florz. I was not brave enough to use my new straight dip pen for this and instead used a Pentel Sharpie fine point pen (the kind that does not bleed through paper).


Hi - until you can find a print copy of the current issue of the book, I found an old 1900 New Zanerian Alphabets pdf file at the Internet Archive.

I apologize in advance if this link has been previously posted: Please let me know if I should put this link into another thread.

I have enjoyed referring to this old volume while working with Erica's excellent Pointed Pen Lessons.


Word of the Day / Re: saturnalian
« on: April 07, 2017, 03:44:14 PM »
I received joy twice looking at your Words of the Day.

Once, because of how lovely your work is (I am learning and am inspired by looking at these works), and two, because it made me chuckle when I saw Saturnalian. It made me think of the Big Bang Theory episode where Sheldon explains what Saturnalia is.

Tips for Lefties / Re: Tips for Lefties - multiple links!
« on: March 29, 2017, 06:59:49 PM »
Erica - thank you for gathering and posting these left-handed links. The videos are particularly helpful. It is interesting to see how each left-handed calligrapher uses their individual pen and paper position.

I naturally write from 'underneath'. I have a small chalkboard and I am using it to practice from underneath and overhanded to see which feels the most comfortable as well as providing the best results before investing in a straight or oblique pen holder.

I am starting with the lowercase Copperplate exemplars I have seen on this forum.

I also want to thank all the lefties for their encouragement. This is a beautiful art form and I would love to be able to letter my own holiday cards this year. Practice, practice, practice. My new mantra!

Introductions / Hello from Washington State
« on: March 27, 2017, 04:17:03 PM »
Gentle greetings

I am a recently laid off, left handed, 61 year old widow who now has time to resume my artistic side. I had an opportunity to experience calligraphy in a high school art class, but unfortunately had an older teacher who still thought left handers should have been encouraged to use their right hand when learning cursive.

I loved lettering but it was a challenge without positive encouragement. I was researching Copperplate when I found a link to The Flourish Forum. Reading through various topics I was finding this to be a positive and helpful environment where I could feel safe in pursuing lettering again and not be hampered for being left handed.

I look forward to interacting with everyone and hope I can contribute in some way.


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