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Topics - idrawletters

Pages: [1]
Open Flourish | General Discussion / Guild activities and fun
« on: April 06, 2015, 03:22:35 PM »
Hi all! I was wondering about guilds around the country (and world!) and if any of them do special, interesting or fun activities for their members besides classes, a website listing, newsletter, etc. Does anyone have anything interesting to share?

I thought it would be fun to explore the things that calligraphy types do when they're all gathered in person together! :)

Introductions / Hello from New York City
« on: November 14, 2014, 09:43:16 PM »
Hi everyone! I'm Chavelli, and I currently live in NYC, though I call Hong Kong home and am half Filipina—hello the huge group of people from the Philippines! I've been a member here for a few months, but haven't really been active at all. Hoping to change that from here on!

I first picked up a calligraphy pen when we were taught foundational hand at school when I was 7 years old. I took some classes at college while studying graphic design, and lost touch with it all until I did a post-grad Typeface Design program a couple years ago at Type@Cooper here in NYC. Thankfully they had us start from the very basics of writing and I picked up a dip pen again! That said, I much prefer the hand-generated aspect of creating letters, and have since studied Copperplate, Uncial, Italic, dabbled in Carolingian and Fraktur. I think the plan is to continue learning as much as I can until I can no longer write! :)

I'm a member of the Society of Scribes here in NY, and would love to connect with anyone here as well!

Currently I have my own design biz that is constantly evolving, and these days have been doing a lot of various lettering work for clients. I'm hoping to continue to grow that aspect of it so that I can do what I love even more often.

Really happy to be here!

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