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Topics - halfapx

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Introductions / Hello from Switzerland
« on: December 19, 2016, 12:21:30 PM »
Hello Guys!

I'm Myriam, 22 years old from Switzerland. I'm a front end developer (Coding Websites) as well as a Media Engineering Student.
The only connection I had to written words before 30th December last year was as part of my love for writing novels, but almost one year ago I found brush lettering and totally fell in love.
I've been a pen hoarder before, but basically got rid of all of the ball points and replaced them with more fountain pens (always loved those), brush pens and then pointed pen nibs.
I've been focused on doing modern calligraphy up until now, most of it with traditional tools, but I also use an iPad Pro and I'm probably the one offering the largest collection of lettering brushes for procreate at the moment (
A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to meet Paul Antonio and he basically made me realize that I had been doing lots of things completely wrong in my pointed pen journey (Especially concerning pen grip and posture, I never realized sitting up straight would make such a big impact!). Ever since that day I've started research and decided I really wanted to get into traditional Calligraphy (right now Copperplate/Round Hand is first priority, but some kind of Fraktur comes after that) and this forum really has been super helpful so far with finding resources. I realized that traditional learning does need some more structure than my very freestyle modern learning, but I am super excited to get deep into this thing.

Apart from Lettering I am into fictional writing, photography, reading, getting into tech... oh and I love to bake, Cupcakes especially. And as a Swiss person I am obsessed with Chocolate and Cheese. I'm on Instagram @halfapx and would love to find new calligraphers to follow :)

Happy to be here and learn!

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