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Topics - riana

Pages: [1]
Introductions / Hello!! I'm Riana, in Seattle!
« on: June 27, 2014, 05:09:05 PM »
Hi everyone,

I'm Riana-- I'm SO excited to be a new addition to the forum!! I recently moved from Los Angeles to Seattle, and I'm booking & managing a West Coast music tour to raise money for arts & music in schools. In my off-time, I'm exploring calligraphy.

I am BRAND NEW to the world of calligraphy.  A few months ago, I took some screenshots from Pinterest boards & Instagram to a Portland, OR shop (Oblation Papers & Press) and enthusiastically announced to the ladies behind the counter: "OK GALS!!! I WANT TO BE ABLE TO WRITE LIKE.....THIS!!!!!!!! How do I start?!?" They were so cheery & helpful, explained the basics of modern copperplate calligraphy to me, and in just 30 minutes of ogling at inks, nib holders, and specialty nibs, I was totally hooked AND armed with supplies!

Since, I've ordered more nibs, purchased paper that didn't bleed (!), began mixing my own inks & opaque metallics, and have been practicing almost every day. I feel so grateful for this outstanding resource in The Flourish Forum, and hope to contribute positively and eager to learn A LOT. If nothing else, I will continue to admire & stand in awe of all the incredible talent onboard this site!!! Thank you for reading, and please connect with me. I would love to "meet" you! :)


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