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Messages - lyndsaywrightdesign

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Coffee & Nib-bles / Re: Miss Universe 2015 costumes!
« on: January 24, 2015, 09:28:43 PM »
The giant poof on the floor next to Guyana might actually be Slovenia curled up the fetal position.

Coffee & Nib-bles / Re: The "What's Up" Thread
« on: January 24, 2015, 09:45:37 AM »
Hey, does anyone have experience with the FitBit?

I had the FitBit Force and LOVED it!  I had it linked up with TicTrac (web only at the time), which was really cool.  Then, I discovered that I was one of those people who was unfortunately allergic to the Force.  I haven't replaced it yet, but I think I would like another FitBit, probably the Charge HR.

Coffee & Nib-bles / Re: Miss Universe 2015 costumes!
« on: January 24, 2015, 09:37:01 AM »
Miss India's outfit is rather wonderful, but surely she needs a few more arms?

Agreed - India's costume is stunning!  Even if all of the pieces were aluminum, I'm thinking that outfit had to weigh a LOT!

I like South Africa's dress, too, even though it wasn't ornate.

Coffee & Nib-bles / Re: Miss Universe 2015 costumes!
« on: January 24, 2015, 01:45:47 AM »
LOVE Argentina!  But for the life of me, I can't figure out how on earth she's supporting those massive wings.  Is the structure in the corset?  Is that body suit made of tensile steel cable?  Her back must hurt.  Will I be that thin if I wore that thing around all day everyday?

Australia's teeth are neon white - I didn't know that color existed before now.  Gorgeous smile.

What do the British Virgin Islands have to do with Aladdin lamps?  Why is my tablet trying to autocorrect "virgin" to "Gorgon?"  What's a "Gorgon?"

That's pretty awesome that Canada has an actual scoreboard attached to her, but the overall look is a little overdone in the sexpot aspect. 

Croatia and Poland apparently got the same memo about this being a picnic-on-the-lawn rather than a black tie event.

Gotta love that Curaçao is sporting a GIANT bottle of alcohol around her neck.  I'm not sure what Ecuador is, but I think it's cool.  I think Egypt's dress would be pretty stunning even without all of the turquoise additions.

I think France has an Eiffel Tower on the front of her skirt.  Good call, Schin, on Germany's gorgeous, mega-watt smile!  I like the attention to detail in Ghana's neck piece and headdress. 

Where did Great Britain leave her pants?!?!  Greece = WOW, STUNNINGLY BEAUTIFUL!!!  Guam's is awesome, even though it's looking a little bit like a peacock.  Guatemala's costume is gorgeous, I love all of the colors.

WHAT is that on the floor next to Guyana?!?!  It looks like someone painted a Chow Chow dog with glitter spray.  Did she have to carry or drag that thing around?  It looks like it's on a rhinestone leash.

I love the Netherlands's dress, even though it's not super ornate.  LOVE that Nicaragua, Paraguay, and Uruguay went all out!!  Slovenia...just NO.

I think Venezuela is really pretty awesome with all of those brilliant yellow leaves.

Coffee & Nib-bles / Miss Universe 2015 costumes!
« on: January 23, 2015, 11:17:04 PM »
Since we're such an international community, I thought it would be fun to see all of these international costumes from the Miss Universe 2015 pageant.  Some of these costumes are INSANELY beautiful.  Enjoy!

If your country's costume means something specific about your country, please tell us what it signifies.

You know you're a calligrapher when:

Your son complains that when he receives a wedding invitation in the mail, the first thing he does is run his thumb across the print in order to determine whether it was hand-lettered, or they just ran it through a printer.  His comment to me was something like, "Damn, now you've got me becoming a snob about hand-lettering!".

Janis, this is so sweet.  I can only hope that my son does the same someday!!!

Tools & Supplies / Re: How to make your own envelopes and liners?
« on: January 17, 2015, 12:48:18 AM » has lots of great patterned and textured papers, for better prices than Paper Source.  You can also buy samples of their papers, usually 3" x 5", but some papers are offered in 5" x 8" samples.  If you're making a piece that is only 5" x 7", sometimes just a sample, rather than a whole sheet will do!

For envelopes, I go to Fasclampitt.  They're only located in a few cities, but there might be a similar store in your town.  They carry lots of lines - Pop-Tones, Stardream, French Paper Company, Curious, Crane's, Neenah, So...Silk, and tons of others.  Most of their envelopes are in packages of 50 envelopes and range in price from $10.50 to $16.50 for 50 envelopes.  WAY better than $4.25 for 10 envelopes!  When I was making cards for my markets, I even bought a box of 200 Kraft envelopes for $35, if I remember right.

They also have free sample books from the manufacturers for you to take, and cotton papers for letterpress, among other things.

Fasclampitt is a retail component of Clampitt, which is a larger paper company.  Clampitt has a design center with a sample room.  They'll give a limited number of samples for free, and the samples are all big sheets, like maybe 12" x 18" or so.

If there is a similar type of store in your city/town, they're an incredible source for paper products at a reasonable cost, and an amazing resource for printing connections, and what types of papers to use for which types of projects.

Tools & Supplies / Re: Fluorescent Inks
« on: January 17, 2015, 12:10:24 AM »
Love, love, LOVE Holbein Acryla neon gouache.  It works on dark colored paper.

FW is NOT opaque, and will NOT be visible on dark papers at all.  It also globs, although I'm sure that could be resolved in some way.  I was trying to write in neon yellow on a black envelopes, so I didn't really care to fix the ink flow, once I realized that it wasn't even going to be visible.  The lack of versatility in the ink in terms of being able to write on darks is a complete bust for me.  FW fail.

Suggestions & Ideas / Pro Level for FF Members Only
« on: January 16, 2015, 11:38:24 PM »
Maybe ALL of "Pro Level" could be for FF members only.

Tools & Supplies / Re: Need Vintage nib equivelants for modern nibs
« on: January 15, 2015, 01:47:07 AM »
Hi Kate!

The Gilbert Blanzy-Poure Départementale Cementée tends to be a favorite of calligraphers who like a more flexible pointed pen nib, like a Hunt 101 Imperial.  The Esterbrook 128EF would be similar to the Hunt 101 Imperial, too, in terms of flexibility.

Those are really the only 2 I'm familiar with out of your recent acquisition.

Tools & Supplies / Re: Trading post
« on: January 15, 2015, 01:37:13 AM »
I have some of these nibs to trade (see picture)

I'll take whatever you can offer (except broad nibs-not ready for those yet!)

And when I say anything, I mean anything you can offer!

washi tape
my name in pretty calligraphy
stray kitty who needs a home  ;D

Grace, are there any nibs that you would like?

Tools & Supplies / Re: Clear Plastic Envelopes Review
« on: January 15, 2015, 01:26:54 AM »
I found this link for some bags with the flap seal.  I have used this company in the past and have found them to be very pleasant to work with.  I thought it was interesting that this particular product explicitly says "USPS approved."

Tools & Supplies / Re: Cocoiro Lettering Pen
« on: January 15, 2015, 01:18:37 AM »
Joi, what brand/color is your gray ink?  Gorgeous work!

Open Flourish | General Discussion / Re: Magnification
« on: January 15, 2015, 12:15:58 AM »
I don't use one, but my calligraphy teacher uses something similar to this:

Tools & Supplies / Re: Trello: Project Management Tool
« on: January 15, 2015, 12:01:02 AM »
This looks awesome, thank you for sharing! Is it somewhat like Pinterest, in that you can pull visuals from various sites to add to your cards?

Trello is first and foremost designed to be a project management tool, rather than an idea generator.  That being said, I think you could use it like a Pinterest board if you wanted to, and it could be successful.  Here's an example where I can see that working:

You're planning a big event with other co-hosts, and you're making a lot of handmade decorations, accents, details, and recipes that you've found on the internet.  You could make a board for the event, and make a stack for each co-host, or a stack for each type of detail (i.e. decorations, food, stationery and signage, etc.).  You make a card for each detail (i.e. cake, artichoke dip, paper lanterns, flower garland).  On the cake card, you upload the photo of the cake that you're wanting for the event, add a checklist of the ingredients, and copy/paste the instructions for the cake.  You do the same with the artichoke dip card.  On the paper lanterns card, you upload a checklist of the supplies needed to make the lanterns, copy/paste the instructions, and upload the photos of the steps in the tutorial.  Same with the flower garland.  Then, you assign each card to whichever co-host is responsible for each detail, and share the board with all of your coo-hosts. 

I think in that situation it's probably documentation overkill, in my honest opinion.  Trello is really designed so that you can store a lot of details on a card.  You could absolutely make it function like a super-detailed Pinterest if you really wanted to track the details of a how-to project in the event that the big it came from was deleted from the internet or something, but if you're just wanting to pin something quickly, I think Trello would be too cumbersome to be efficient in that endeavor.

The way I use it in terms of attaching imagery is that I attach images (photos, scans, etc.) of the work that I've done for that project.  That way, I can tell just from glancing at the board which project is which, and I also know right away what version/revision the client might be reviewing.  I also like that a completed card at the end of a project really captures the life of the project, because the card will show when the project started and was completed; how much money the project cost; what the printing quotes were; where the design started visually, how it developed, and where it ended; who the client was and how to reach them; and what steps I made along the way.

You can always upload inspiration imagery to a Trello card, but I think you would probably want to limit it to just a few images, because you have to scroll to access the lower portions of the card as the card becomes more detailed.  If you had a lot of inspiration images for a project, it might make more sense to develop a separate board for the project so that each piece of inspiration could have its own card.  Then you could see all of the information images at once.

I hope this is making sense.

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